Water and Sewer Rate Increases in Carlisle Borough
By Derek Bicksler | October 18, 2024
Greg Herbert, Rate Consultant to Carlisle Borough with Gannet Fleming, spoke at October’s Borough Council Workshop on October 2, 2024 about Water ad Sewer rate increases planned for Carlisle Borough.
The rate increases are needed to cover capital improvements needed for the aging infrustructure and to comply with new EPA regulations related to treating “forever chemicals”.
Though rates are increasing over the next few years, even at the end of the step up plan (pictured above), our rates will be lower than many other municipalities’ current rates.
Greg, who lives in Hampden Township, stated, “I’m jealous, I would love to have these rates.”
He further added, “These rates are very competetive compared to a lot of the surrounding areas.”
Rates referenced in the video are Carlisle Borough’s rates at the end of the tiered step up plan.
Step up plan for Water is 4 years… 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028. Step up plan for Sewer is 2 years… 2026 and 2028. (pictured above
Another silver lining in all of this is that the Borough is looking at possibly making the borough’s trash service municipal run again (it’s currenty handled by a private contractor).
Based on projections for this return to borough run refuse collection, trash costs for borough residents should go down. This will help offset the increase in water and sewer rates.
And being proactive about improving things now will prevent more costly and higher single year rate hikes that could be needed if the work is put off.
Awesome Carlisle!, sharing what’s happening and the awesomeness of the Carlisle Pennsylvania area from the eyes of someone native to Central Pennsylvania, but new to Carlisle.